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Our Senior Executives


The SHRM club serving the University of Idaho is made up of students majoring in Management and Human Resource Management. The SHRM club is made up of six executive officers who are national SHRM members. Each and every one of us is committed to the club in creating an environment that fosters growth and development for tomorrow's leaders and professionals.


Our executive members are made up of Juniors and Seniors majoring in Management and Human Resource Management


President- Nick Outhenthapanya- Senior- Management major

Treasurer- Karlyn Leonard- Senior- HRM major, Accounting minor

Secretary- Julie Tollifson -Senior- HRM/ Operations management major

V.P. of Promotions- Breann Bess- Senior- HRM major

V.P. of Fundraising- Christine Gillaspie- Junior- HRM major

V.P. of Trips- Sean Kinney- Senior HRM/ Operations management  major


Advisor- Jan Rauk

Co-Advisor- Jeff Bailey


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